Recipes to buy

The recipes available in this section do come at a small cost per recipe because ingredients, time and effort has gone into making them simple, delicious and nutritious and, in many cases, designed or modified to cater to specific dietary requirements. Most of the recipes have a ‘Variations’ section which provides information about altering a recipe, e.g. making it dairy free or seasonal options. All recipes include full notes and instructions in PDF format. Some have optional video tutorials.

Please browse the recipes, click on the title or picture of the recipe to see more information so that you can decide if it is the one you need.

If you purchase one of these recipes and it doesn’t quite meet your dietary requirements, where possible, Nicole is more than happy to work with you to alter it so that it suits you or whomever you are cooking for.

Grilled Peaches - Sample Recipe

Please contact Nicole before you make a purchase if you are unsure whether a recipe is suitable for you or if you would like a recipe developed for you. Where possible, Nicole will alter a recipe so that it suits your dietary requirements.

Please pop on by every now and then to see what new recipes have been added to the list. Hopefully you will find recipes that become firm family favourites.

The recipes that you purchase are for your use only. For full terms of use see the Product Licence. Nicole asks that you do not share the recipe, do not post the recipes elsewhere on other websites or reprint them. These recipes are the intellectual property of Nicole’s Nutrition Kitchen. If you need assistance with any recipe, please do contact Nicole. It is advised that you store or file your Nicole’s Nutrition Kitchen recipes as you purchase them.