
Food Lover | Avid Gardener | Nutritionist | Cooking Coach

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I am a university-qualified Nutritionist, online course creator, foodie and home-cook. With a passion for sharing no-nonsense, evidence-based health and nutrition information. With so much conflicting information to be found online, I aim to provides credible information without the hype.

I help people to ditch diets and create a balanced relationship with food. By, supporting you to explore and connect with food for nourishment and satisfaction. And, inspiring you to make changes to support your health.


I want to help you to:

* Learn how to enjoy food without the need for fad diets.

* Learn about simple, sensible food swaps for living with chronic diseases, e.g coeliac disease, or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

* Gain confidence in the kitchen and at the supermarket.

* Break the diet cycle and cut through the confusion.

When I'm not working with clients, or learning more about health and nutrition, I am either in the kitchen coming up with tasty new recipes, pottering in the garden or haning out with Hubby.

My food and health philosophy is simple...

I do not believe in restricting or removing foods or a food group unnecessarily.

I believe that life is too short to count calories! And in the long-term, diets don't work.

I am all about being unrestricted when it comes to food. I love helping people engage with food, to try new ingredients, and find their way back to enjoying cooking and eating again. All while providing credible nutrition information you can trust!

So what can I do to help YOU?

Well, that all depends on what YOU need.

We are each very different in what we need (and like) to make us happy and healthy, and finding that out is part of this fantastic journey called life. It can be a challenge but by staying positive, working together and having fun it doesn’t need to be daunting.

Let's get together and find ways to make nutritious food easy to make and enjoyable to eat!

Click on the "Services" image to learn more about how I can help.

And just a couple more things about me:

(in case you are interested)

I love food from garden to plate; from raw ingredients to belly full of yumminess. I am not a chef, I am just a home cook who loves to get in the kitchen and rattle the pots and pans; and hopefully ending up with something tasty to eat. Though not every experiment works out, but thankfully Hubby doesn't seem to mind.

Once upon a time I owned a gluten-free bakery - Elocin Specialty Foods - where I whipped up fabulous gluten-free foods. After 13 years I decided it was time to try something new, and I decided that nutrition sounded like just the thing. I could indulge my love of food while learning some exciting new things about it, all backed up with science (biochemistry is so fascinating!). So I went back to university to qualify to become a Registered Nutritionist.

I have been living with food allergies and intolerance's for almost 40 years. It has proven to be challenging at times, but I now understand the difficulties and have a few tricks up my sleeve for coping. Which is why I owned a gluten-free bakery and now specialize in helping those that are new to, and confused about, how to eating with those sorts of restrictions.

I am a member of the Nutrition Society of New Zealand and Coeliac New Zealand.

I am now working in collaboration with Snap Fitness Warkworth to provide sensible nutrition advice their members.

I am also the nutrition columnist at Mahurangi Matters.

In March 2021 I completed the Monash University 'Low FODMAP Diet for IBS' online training course for health professionals.


* Registered Nutritionist - Nutrition Society of New Zealand.

* Post Graduate Diploma in Human Nutrition

* Graduated Certificate in Science and Technology in Human Nutrition

* Master Applied Science in Wine Chemistry

* Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry and Microbiology

Why choose a Registered Nutritionist?

Registered Nutritionists are committed to continuing competency and education, must meet professional experience requirements, and adhere to the Royal Society of New Zealand Code of Ethics. To find out more about why you can trust a Registered Nutritionist please visit the Nutrition Society of New Zealand website.

As I am a NZ Registered Nutritionist (NSNZ), some of your appointment costs may be covered by health insurance. (Southern Cross is a known provider that covers Nutritionist Consultations). Please check your health plan and your provider.


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