Keeping Healthy Eating on Track

Meal planning

Goodness me! What a crazy mixed-up time it has been lately.

As if normal day-to-day living wasn’t hectic enough, there has been all the Covid-craziness of lock-downs, isolations, working from home and home-schooling thrown into the mix.

It can become a struggle to find a work/life balance, leaving little time or energy at the end of the day to plan what’s for dinner. When we are busy it is easy to let healthy eating habits fall by the wayside.

One way to take the pressure off is by planning your meals in advance.

It might seem like another chore to try to fit into an already busy life but, once you get into the swing of meal planning it can actually make things easier. There are actually many benefits to health, wellbeing and wallet. With a plan in place you can save time and money, and reduce stress and food waste, all while enjoying a nutritious and varied diet.

Here are my 7 top tips for meal planning:

? Plan meals a week at a time.

⏱ Be realistic about timing on food preparation – save those recipes that take more time for the days you have the time. Prepare what you can in advance.

? Consider how you can use leftovers for other dinners, or even breakfasts and lunches.

?‍?‍?‍? Get the whole household involved – take turns chosing meals, shopping and food preparation. Set tasks that suit age and skill.

? Make a shopping list. Note down anything you use up when you use it so you know to get more.

? Be flexible – swap out meals if things come up, grab a takeaway if you need to.

? Include some breakfast &/or lunch prep the night before if you have an early start.

Meal planning may seem daunting to start with. You may feel that with your crazy, busy life you will never find the time to implement a plan. Start with planning meals for a couple of nights a week and then build from there as you become more confident.

When it comes to healthy eating, a plan does make it easier to stay on track.

Meal planning road map

For a more comprehensive guide to meal planning, grab my "Meal Planning Road Map: your guide to healthy eating, saving money & reducing food waste."

Inside you will find: Loads of tips, thought points and templates to help you to implement a plan to fit your lifestyle.

$FREE ~ Download now

P.S. You can apply these tips to planning Christmas dinner too, whether it’s at your place or you are heading out with a plate in hand. By getting into the swing of meal planning now you will have one less stress to contend with come Christmas day.